I came to The Healing Place in 2015 because I had nowhere else to turn. I was using drugs and had basically lost everything I had. I had no money, no home, and no friends left. When I walked through the doors of The Healing Place Women’s Campus, they didn’t ask many questions. All they asked was if I was ready for a change. And I was.
I got sober at this amazing place. The Healing Place saved my life, and they did it without asking me for payment for any of the services I received for well over a year. I was told to pay it forward and help others like me and that is something I will strive to do for the rest of my life.
The Healing Place is home for me, and I have never really left. After leaving the peer mentor office five years ago, I joined the development team. – the department tasked with raising about 20% of our revenue every year. I love my job. My role as Major Gift officer is to introduce people to The Healing Place and tell others about this amazing program so that they believe in us as much as I do. People in the community hear my story and stories of the thousands of other lives that have been changed over the past 32 years and want to support our mission.
When a client walks through the doors of one of our campuses, they can finally rest and start their sober journey without worrying about how they’re going to pay for it. That is thanks to the people, businesses, and organizations in our community that donate to The Healing Place because they believe that everyone deserves a second, third, or even fiftieth chance at life.
Donations are huge part of my job, but I also help organize events and other opportunities to educate the community about addiction and that bring awareness to The Healing Place and our mission. I love spreading the message of hope. When someone does decide to donate to The Healing Place, I make sure they are properly thanked and understand exactly where their money is going and what impact their gift has.
COVID-19 isn’t the only pandemic we have to worry about. Addiction is a health crisis that has been exacerbated the past two years. Overdose deaths are at record numbers and facilities like The Healing Place are needed now more than ever. Our doors have remained open throughout the pandemic and that is directly thanks to our generous community.
If you would like to partner with us and make a donation today, click here.
If you or someone you know needs help, please call us at 502-585-4848.