We know that the family is an important part of a client’s recovery. That’s why every month we host a Family Day at our campuses. Family Day alternates every month between the men’s campus and women’s campus in Louisville and happens every month at our campus in Campbellsville.
Each Family Day, our staff educates the families on our program, how it works, the importance of continuing care, and the disease concept of addiction. This session is designed to help family members better understand what their loved ones do while in recovery at The Healing Place. It’s important for family members to understand this process and what their loved ones go through in recovery.
We know that when a person is in active addiction, there is frequently a major strain put on family members. Our goal is to help them understand that their loved ones did not simply choose to be an alcoholic or addict. They do, however, have a choice to recover. We teach that addiction is a disease and understanding this concept can be the first step toward repairing those relationships.
During Family Day, we have a parent teach a class to our clients while this first session is going on. This is designed to educate our clients on how addiction affects a parent or loved one. This is done in a loving way and from a parent’s point of view. In the second session, we have a speaker who is the mother of two adult children in long-term recovery. She shares her experience, strength, and hope. She also provides information about support groups like Al-Anon that are available to those who have a loved one addicted to drugs or alcohol.
In addition to Family Day, The Healing Place has created a Family Support Group for parents, family, and friends of those who are in recovery or still in active addiction. This group meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm at our men’s campus, located at 1020 W. Market. This meeting is open to anyone and is not limited to families of our clients.
We believe that the chances of long-term recovery for our clients can greatly be enhanced if the family is completely aware and participating in all aspects of the recovery process.
Well written my friend🙏 Family members suffer from PTSD, anxiety, depression and feelings of hopelessness parrelel to loved one in active addiction. Families need love, support, and a safe place to recover also. Thank you for everything💚
Thanks for treating the whole family !